Saturday, 22 August 2009

Slow impro

Impro (distinct from IMPROV- some sort of free jazz) these days is like a fast food version of creativity, that seemingly has no place except as lightweight comedy trash (of course, some people have a taste for that).

Fast food is basically pretty bad food. In an attempt to save impro from an abysmal comedy ghetto, Preverb introduces the SLOW IMPRO MOVEMENT.

Inspired by the slow food movement, slow impro is a natural, sustainable and satisfying way of being creative; without being limited to any particular style or genre.

The principles of slow impro are:

To be creative you must be emotionally ready. If you want to create things to flatter your ego then you are not ready. Maturity does not arrive overnight.

To be creative you need to have paid attention over a long time to what creative forms already exist (you don't have to reproduce them of course; but you probably will anyway if you don't recognise them).

To be a creative performer you need to perform without any pressure to hurry. You must be prepared to allow time to pass without thinking that you should always be filling it up with yourself. You need to stop worrying about whether or not you are being entertaining.

This may all be difficult to swallow. Someone raised on junk will not appreciate good food the first time they get it. Be brave, give it a try.